A friend and fellow photographer Bry Cox from Utah, came to Oregon on assignment and I tagged along on a trip down Hwy 101. The following are a sample of images created with a specific lens called a "lensbaby". The effect as you can see creates images with very selective focus, which can be a hit or miss but these are winners in my opinion. It was a great time just to get out and create, I need to do this more often, our coastline is amazing. Cheers and Enjoy!
Also check out Bry Cox's blog to see more images from our trip. Especially the Lighthouse we "painted" with light in the dark. Link to Bry Cox blog
Happy Friday, I'm thrilled to showcase the senior portraits of Michael Callaway. Michael's session was photographed @ MIT Studio and @ "The Spot". You may be asking what is @ "The Spot"? For months I drove by this area and kept thinking... that would be a great backdrop for portraits, but it never materialized. I guess it was just waiting for the right session, then came along Michael and "The Spot" was perfect. Thanks Michael for incorporating your style into the session, and allowing me to showcase your portraits and "The Spot" Cheers!
I feel like posting today, so here is another senior to welcome, Joe Noh. Joe wins the award for best suit of the year! Thank you Joe for having MIT Studio photograph your senior portraits. Cheers!
Scroll down the blog for more senior portraits and make sure to jump over to the MIT Studio facebook page as well.
Today has been such a great day, I hope you have enjoyed this little taste of spring. To celebrate the weather let's welcome Gavin Kemper to the blog. Gavin was outstanding to work with, I really enjoyed the session. We photographed Gavin @ MIT Studio and @ Dawson Creek. Cheers and Enjoy!